In November, our country will have another election. Few churches talk about elections, and I think Christians often think that politics are not that important for Christians. Our citizenship is in heaven, and we are just passing through. Our hope is in God and not human deliverers.
But then we still have to pay taxes, make a living, and make
decisions about schools for our children and where we should live.
We wanted to send our kids to Christian schools, but we
couldn’t afford it. I discovered that
2/3 of our property taxes went for public schools. I couldn’t send my kids to a Christian school,
but I was paying for public schools. So
I would have to pay double for my kids’ education if I sent them to that
private school.
Welcome to politics.
Public schools in Illinois are teaching your kids that they
may not be the gender they were told when they were born. They can be any gender they want, and they
should decide this as soon as possible. No
time to waste with gender affirming surgeries and puberty blockers.
Where do your kids go to school?
Welcome to politics.
Christians are taught to be generous, help those who are in need,
tithe to their churches, and support Christian organizations. But you don’t think you bring enough money
home from work to do all you want to do.
Welcome to politics.
Christians are aware of many of society’s ills, and we are
taught that the way to change society is through personal conversions. Change the people, and you change society.
Politicians know that if you change society, you change the
Homosexuality has always been seen as an aberration in our
society. The norm was men and women
getting married and having children. The
Supreme Court legalized gay marriage, and soon homosexuality is normalized in
our society. Christian businesses are being
litigated and forced to close, because they are being asked, I mean told, to do
things contrary to their religious beliefs.
Welcome to politics.
We know we have the Great Commission, to win the world for
Christ and to disciple the nations.
We are told that our country was founded as a secular,
pluralistic society. We teach our kids
in schools that they are animals just like dogs, cows, and chimpanzees. Life is an accident of nature.
Then we wonder why it is so hard to talk to people about
God. God has been pushed so much out of
the public consciousness, that people don’t give God a thought, and so we first
have to try to prove to them that there is a God, that Christianity is indeed the
right religion, that the Bible is the Word of God before we even get to share
the gospel with them.
That didn’t use to be the case.
Welcome to politics.
Our country is getting to the point where persecution for your
Christian faith is becoming more and more a reality. The freest country in the history of the
world is becoming hostile toward the Christian faith. Our rights come from God our Creator, and
that includes a right to practice our faith.
But that is changing.
Welcome to politics.
In a war, you have soldiers shooting it out on the front
lines. But generals know it’s not enough
just to kill more enemy soldiers than who kill yours.
They often will target ammunition factories, supply lines,
and weapon storage facilities to weaken the enemy’s ability to continue the fighting.
Evangelism is sharing the gospel with people, the good news
of Jesus Christ. That is usually one-on-one
engagements with people. But if we allow
our schools to teach that God is irrelevant and non-existent, that science is
all we need to know, that the government is your Benefactor and Protector, your
success in reaching people for Christ is going to be greatly hampered.
Repentance is still a part of the gospel message, but if
there is no right and wrong but what you believe for yourself, there is nothing
to repent of.
Yes, I know that the early church changed the world. They also believed in the power of God, and we
usually relegate that to Bible days. The
Church is one more thing vying for the attention of the masses. We resort to social media trying to get a
hearing, and it’s not working very well.
Politics used to just be about paying for roads and police
departments and schools, but people are trying to change our entire society through
politics. They are masters of language
usage, so that killing preborn babies is really about personal autonomy and
protecting those babies violates people’s basic human rights.
Welcome to politics.
You are the salt of the earth and the light of the
world. But you have to be out in the
world to make any kind of difference. You
have to be on those school boards, those city councils, those House and Senate
chambers, or you have to vote for those who will serve in your place.
Welcome to politics.