Friday, September 11, 2020

Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;

   Proverbs 1:7      The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;

         Fools despise wisdom and instruction.

We live in a time when science is regarded as the answer to everything, and we must listen to it carefully in order to live our lives right.

But we forget the limitations of science. 

Science cannot even tell us what a human being is.  Or of how much worth it is.

Science cannot tell you the value of love.  It can measure brain activity when people experience it, and it can tell you perhaps a correspondence between people who love and personal happiness.  But that still doesn’t tell you how important it is.

Science can’t tell you if there is a God.  As if it doesn’t matter.  Science will try to tell you that the world and life are simply accidents of nature or the result of necessary chemical reactions.  Which means that life isn’t more important than salt dissolving in water.

Oh, it may be important to a person living it, but science can’t tell you how to live that life.  What is right, what is wrong.  Only statistical comparisons of those who do certain things under certain conditions.   

Life is like a checkbook.  If you make a mistake on your first entry, even if you do everything right after that, your answer will always come out wrong. 

God is the foundation around which life is built.  Just like everything you buy comes with an instruction manual that tells you how it works, God has given human beings an instruction manual about how life works. 

And that is the Bible.  Know it and feed on it every day.


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