We don’t talk much about the devil any more. Maybe it’s because we have become so sophisticated, at least in our own minds, that everything that goes wrong in our minds and our emotions can all be attributed to physical and psychological causes.
We have gone from everything is the devil or evil spirits to
nothing is.
This is one reason why the Bible is so important. There are just some things you’re not going
to be able to figure out on your own about life. Science can only deal with things that can be
seen or measured.
At the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, the devil came to Jesus
and tempted Him in basically three areas.
The first was in the area of physical needs, or you could
even call it emotional need. Jesus was
hungry. Very hungry. Our bodies can have all kinds of cravings:
sex, the need for recognition, companionship, hey, food and drink too, drugs,
the need to feel good inside.
But Jesus said that man does not live by bread alone. He is quoting from Deuteronomy 8:3, which
goes on to say: “Man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything
that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD.”
The Hebrew text has a different word order to emphasize
different things. “Not by bread alone will live man (humans), but by everything
that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord will live the man.
If we live our lives by what we perceive to be our needs, we
can miss God’s best and play into the hands of the devil, who wants us to focus
on ourselves and not God’s leading in our lives.
The second area is in the area of pubic recognition. This need not be public acclaim and notoriety. We need not be famous, but we all want to be
somebody. We don’t want to be ignored,
unappreciated, especially when so many others who we know are no better than we
are get recognized and promoted. We want
our lives to matter, but if nobody knows or sees us, it can be hard sometimes.
But Jesus said to the devil, and He might as well have said
it to us: The Lord your God worship, and Him only you shall serve. (Which is from Deuteronomy 6:13)
In other words, focus on God and let the rest take care of
itself. Israel had a problem, a common
problem, that when they had success, they were tempted to think that they did
it all on their own, that that too wasn’t a gift from God. When we desire and seek to gain public recognition,
fame, or just trying to gain attention in some way, again, we fall into the
devil’s plans to keep us self-focused and not God-focused.
The third area has to do with someone who presumes on
God. Proverbs 3:5,6 says we are to trust
in God with all our hearts and not, I repeat, not to lean on our own
understanding. In all, I repeat, all our
ways acknowledge Him, and He himself will direct our paths.
Life isn’t all about choosing between good and bad, such
that anything that is not bad is good.
When you seek God’s guidance in everything, you will find new possibilities
opening up that you didn’t imagine before, that you wouldn’t have even known
about if God didn’t lead you there.
So we can get involved in good things, but we miss God’s
leading and God’s best.
This may sound like I’m making life more complicated. No, it’s actually making life a lot
easier. God is far more willing to guide
us in the small things than we think and to bring us that satisfaction that we
need deep down. He just wants to make sure
that we are grounded in Him and not in ourselves.
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