Not everyone is going to see the point or value in talking about UFOs and aliens from other planets, but I hope you stick around. UFOs have been in the news lately because of a report that came out of Israel. But so far, it is just that, a report.
In John 1:14, it says that “the Word became flesh, and dwelt
among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father,
full of grace and truth.”
God became man, so He could redeem man from sin, and man
could now live with God.
Jesus died, was buried, and rose again, and now sits in the
presence of God on our behalf. Jesus is still
Jesus in heaven, existing in a glorified body.
A glorified human body.
So what does this have to do with UFOs and space aliens?
Jesus became flesh to save human beings. That’s it.
If there is anyone else out there on other planets, Jesus did not save
We are told that aliens from outer space are intelligent
beings, far more advanced than we are.
Yet we are the ones that Jesus came to save. We are created in God’s image.
In Revelation 7, a picture is shown of a great gathering in
heaven, that no one is able to count, people from every nation, tribe, people,
and tongue. But all from this planet.
In Genesis 1, God created the stars. Why? “Let
them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, and let them be for
lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth.” Genesis 1:14,15
It is from the movement
of the sun and the stars that we have any way to telling time or counting
years. They are also used for navigation
on the seas or for travel across land. We
are not as dependent on this as we used to.
But who doesn’t know how to find true north when he needs to?
This may seem like a lot of work for God just to provide
directions or to tell time. God could, I
suppose, just have put signs all around or given everyone wrist watches.
Our ever-increasing knowledge of the universe should
increase similarly our ever-increasing awe of God, and for those of us who
serve this God an ever-increasing appreciation of what it means to be human and
the object of God’s redemption through the death and resurrection of
Jesus. Human beings are the center of
God’s creation.
Those people who do not want to acknowledge God in their
lives look at these same things and see human’s insignificance. In a universe so vast, we are but specks of
dust, grains of sand in a vast desert.
With billions of stars, surely they say, there must be millions of
planets, and surely there must be life throughout all of space.
Other scientists see our planet so unique, if life depended
on environment, it’s a wonder life exists at all.
As I said, UFOs have been in the news lately because of a
report that came out of Israel.
There was supposed to have been a sighting over Dallas
recently. You see lights in the night
sky, but as the moniker says: they are UNIDENTIFIED flying objects.
In the book of Ezekiel, Ezekiel saw angelic beings, and he
talks about wheels. “As for their rims
they were lofty and awesome, and the rims of all four of them were full of eyes
round about.” Ezekiel 1:18 Remember the drawings of UFOs as round saucers
with windows all around? Maybe they were
actually eyes.
I suppose some people will say that Ezekiel saw UFOs, and
others might say that the people who saw UFOs saw angelic beings.
For those people who believe the Bible is God’s word to
humankind, they may see the answer as settled.
Those who think there is more to be seen here must insist that more is
seen here before rendering judgment.
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