Thursday, May 6, 2021

Zechariah 14:6

People who teach will tell you that they are learning more by teaching than the people they are teaching.  Teaching forces you to think about things you wouldn’t if you weren’t the one doing the teaching.  Like how to answer certain questions.

On the other hand, sometimes you might find yourself teaching things that you don’t know anything about.   For example, you might learn and believe that the Bible says you shouldn’t worry. but you might still have a problem with worry in your own life.

Zechariah 4:6 is one such passage.  Many of us know it by heart. “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts.”

The word translated ‘might’ is חַ֫יִל, chayil.  Oh, it can mean might or strength, but it also means ‘ability, efficiency, or valor.  

The other word כֹּחַ, ko-ach, also means strength and power, but also ‘ability, efficiency.’

These words were spoken to a man named Zerubbabel, who had the task of rebuilding the temple after years it had been destroyed.  Their work was being opposed by people who brought legal and physical pressure and threats against them.  They were discouraged and had quit.

I think we can paraphrase this verse like this: 

Not by your personal abilities and capabilities, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.

We tend to judge what we think we can or will do in life by what we see in the physical, our natural abilities, our limitations, what we think we are good at or not good at.

I am well aware of mine.  

I also see a world in great need, and I have long thought that I might be able to do something about at least some of that need.  

Then I am reminded about my abilities and capabilities, and I think, what the bleep can I do?  

This verse reminds me that whatever I do in life that makes a difference is more dependent on God than on those natural abilities.  

Now I still haven’t done anything with my life, but if the results depend on God more than me, then this changes everything.  And things are changing.  Stay tuned.

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