Thursday, July 3, 2014

Genesis - Leviticus study outline

Sin / Seeking:Genesis



Basic outline
I.          The world in general       1-11
            A.         Creation and Adam         1-5
            B.         Noah and the flood         6-9
II.         God’s people in particular           12-50
            A.         Abraham           12-24
            B.         Isaac                 25,26
            C.         Jacob                27-36
            D.         Joseph               37-50

Practical outline
I.          What God is like
A.                 He rules His creation
1.         He made it; He owns it; it is His.
2.         He maintains it. – What in life does not require maintenance?
B.                  He knows His creation – Who understands like the inventor?
1.         He invented this thing.  He has to understand everything.
2.         He knows how it is supposed to work.
C.                  He cares for His creation
1.                   Creator – personal pride   He saw that everything was good.  1:10,12,18,21,25
2.                   Image – expression of self
3.         Garden of Eden   }ed"(  Eden   luxury, dainty, delight.
D.                 He is like man.  1:26

II.         What humans are like     3-11
A.                 Limited in understanding 3:3
B.         Lacking in trust – thought they knew better or cared more than God  3:6
C.         Knows good and evil  2:17, 3:7
D.         Shame – unloved  3:7
E.         Fearful of God   3:8-10
F.         Stubborn – refused to admit wrong
G.         Rebellious of thought – wanted to do wrong  6
H.         Exalter of self – name-seeking  11

III.       What humans need to be like   12-50
A.         Tested – What is important to you?   /      Believing           12-24
Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.  Matthew 6:33
1.                   What is a test?  A situation forcing one to make a moral choice
2.                   Why a test? 
a.                   Shows priorities:   the tyranny of time
b.                   Shows sincerity
3.                   What kinds of tests?
a.          Family              12        
b.         Possessions        13,14
c.                   Faith     15 – 21   Romans 4:13-22
d.         Self      22 (v 12)
4.                   What is the answer?
a.                   Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.  Matthew 6:33
b.                   "Which commandment is the first of all?" You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. Mark 12:28-30
c.                   One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD,  and to inquire in his temple.   Psalm 27:4
d.                   One thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,   Philippians 3:13
e.                   And Jesus looking upon him loved him, and said to him, "You lack one thing; go, sell what you have, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me." Mark 10:21
            B.         Broken – How will you get it?  /     Insisting                     25-36
Luke 11:5-11
C.         Proven – Why do you want it?     /           Enduring           37-40
      I Peter 5:6 Tapeinw¯qhte ouÅn u(po\ th\n krataia\n xeiÍra tou= qeou=, iàna u(ma=j u(yw¯sv e)n kair%½,  Be humbled therefore under the mighty hand of God, that you He may exalt in due time.
1.         The belief          37
            a.          He believed God had spoken to him. Cf. 41:16
            b.         He believed that God had promised to him a future. 37:5-11
2.         The barrenness   37-41                                                   
3.         The blessing       41-50


Basic outline
I.          Egypt   1-12
II.         Wilderness       13-18
III.       Sinai                19-40

I.          Moses’ God is God.     1-11
II.         Moses’ God is their God          12-18
III.       Moses’ God is a holy God.      19-40

Practical outline
I.          Knowing  (believing)  1-11
            A.        your case         1,2       Matthew 9:12f, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:31f
                        1.         Bondage – trapped, no control over life  1:1-14
                        2.         Fear -   future, no certainty      1:15-2:10
                        3.         Emptiness – nothing to look forward to   2:11-14
            B.         God’s care       3                     
C.         God can – bigger than any problem     4-10
II.         Accepting (receiving) 12-14
A.        Faith    12
B.         Repentance  13,14       
III.       Learning (growing)      15-40
            A.        Trust    15-18
B.         Responsibility 18        (“heads over tens)
C.         Respect                        19-24
            1.         for God                        19,20  
2.         for others         21-23  
            D.        Servanthood    25-40
                        1.         Giving  25,35
                        2.         God’s instructions 25-31
            3.         God’s nature 32,33
a.         Human weakness         32:1
                                    b.         Divine character                                             
                        4.         God’s covenant 34
5.         Obedience       35-40

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