Three Things to Get Excited About
John 1:35-42
Christian Assembly
September 16, 2007
1. What excites you? Recently I attended an adult Sunday School class. Since this was the first class after a summer break, the leader wanted the people in the class to talk about themselves, so we could get to know each other.
2. He suggested we share such vital information as where we were born and how many brothers and sisters we have. He went first; and after a few minutes I had to interject and ask him: what is your passion in life? What excites you? If you had to have a conversation with somebody, what would you like to talk about? If you had a best friend, what is it that you have in common?
3. Many of us live lives where nothing really excites us. Many others of us find our excitement in things that don’t last, in things that can be taken away from us, in things that are either fattening, sinful, or utterly unimportant in the overall scheme of things. As an example, I like sports as much as the next person, but I seldom watch more than a few minutes of anything. At the end of the day they are still only games.
4. In this seemingly uneventful passage of Scripture, I would like to suggest three sources of excitement worthy of giving your life to.
I. Redemption John 1:35f Behold the Lamb of God.
A. The meaning of our salvation
1. Deliverance from death and bondage
a. Penalty of sin - death Romans 6:23, Mark 10:45
1) The first step in salvation Romans 6:23
2) The most important step Mark 8:36
3) The most celebrated step
b. Power of sin - II Timothy 2:25f
1) Guilt Hebrews 10:1-4, 10, 14-18
2) Habits, addictions, compulsions, obsessions
3) Depression Psalm 40:1-3
4) Sickness Matthew 4:23
2. Deliverance to a Promised Land
a. Heaven yes, but
b. Promised Land in this life
1) Land flowing with milk and honey Exodus 3:16f, etc.
2) Houses they did not build and vineyards they did not plant Deuteronomy 6:10,11 Joshua 24:13
B. The depth of His love
1. The sacrifice Romans 8:32
How many of you have children? There is a reason for this. God wants you to have some idea of the incredible love He has for you.
2. The celebration Luke 15:20-24
3. The supply Luke 15:31
II. Reconciliation (Relationship) John 1:37-39 Where are you staying?
A. Favor
1. Peace Romans 5:1
2. Presence Romans 5:2
3. Boldness Hebrews 4:16, 10:19
.B. Fellowship
1. Instruction Rabbi- Teacher Luke 10:38-42, John 16:12f
2. Guidance Psalm 32:8-11
III. Realization John 1:40-42 We have found the Messiah.
A. Satisfaction
1. Living water John 4
2. Spiritual gifts I Corinthians 12
B. Excitement
1. Nathaniel John 1:44-51
2. Samaritan woman John 4:28-30
C. Testimony John 1:42 A changed life
You have something to say. You don’t need a course on evangelism. You know what you know.
1. It’s alright to be excited about things, to be passionate about things, all kinds of things.
2. Yet, nothing can and should compare with knowing God in your life.
3. If God is not the biggest passion in your life, He should be. He can be. He wants to be.
4. Nothing is more important. Mark 8:36
5. It may even save your life. II Chronicles 20
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